Source: "Sizing The Market For API Management Solutions," Forrester Research, Inc., Report: 02 April, 2015

Analyst(s): Randy Heffner and Michael Yamnitsky

Forrester cites Torry Harris Business Solutions in its report - "Sizing The Market For API Management Solutions." This report summarizes the key factors contributing to the growth of the API management solutions market. The report says, "Services vendors like Accenture, HP, and Torry Harris Business Solutions are either partnering or building services and frameworks for API management."

According to the report, "Professional services vendors will look for opportunities where APIs are so integral to a new way of doing business that off-the-shelf API management solutions meet a low percentage of the scenarios requirements. Today, HP is focused on large media and telco customers, while Accenture and Torry Harris Business Solutions go to market with broader API strategy and infrastructure offerings."

Read the complete report on Forrester’s website (access requires subscription).

Sizing The Market For API Management Solutions

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